Today (7/5) only, hurry over to Snapfish where you can score 20 FREE 4×6 Photo Prints + FREE Shipping when you use the promo code HOT20FREE at checkout. Now is a great time to get any vacation pictures you’ve been meaning to get printed for FREE! Enjoy 🙂
Buy (20) 4×6 Photo Prints @$0.09/ea = $1.80
Use promo code HOT20FREE (x7/5)
Final Price: FREE + FREE Shipping

As of 7/6 @ 5:30 AM Central code still works.
i see that you can select pick up at cvs/walgreens when you order
can you pick up at a store? or does it only apply to orders that are shipped to you?
Hey Ki, if you choose Pick Up in Store, the order will be sent to the store you choose.
thanks for the reply! but seems like the free promo only applies to shipped orders
Oh you’re right. Yes. For this promo it’s shipped orders. But shipping is Free. 🙂