• Favorite Things Friday! I Love Trucker Hats 😍 (PLUS 72-Hour Reader Giveaway)

    UPDATE: This Giveaway is now over! Winner announcement has been posted on my homepage. See more Giveaways being dropped on my blog here.

    Happy Friday!

    For today’s Favorite Things Friday, I’m gonna keep it short: I love Trucker Hats! The end. 😂

    I like that I can quickly throw them over messy hair and still make me somewhat put together. lol. The large brim also acts as additional sun protection (or to keep rain off my face). Some people like expensive purses or shoes. Me? I like me a cute trucker hat… and I’m a happy girl. #cheapdate

    There are a ton of cute prints you can find on Etsy (like the gold mermaid one I have in the picture above). On Etsy there are also sellers who will let you customize your hats so you can write whatever you want! Such a great gift idea 🙂

    If you follow me on Snapchat (@FreeStuffFinder) you probably seem me wearing the pink pineapple trucker hat from Mother Trucker. I’ve also gotten several cute hats from them. They run 20% off promotions regularly on all their hats.  They also have a section where you can shop for kiddos too! My daughter Sophie has the matching pineapple hat in white.

    Giveaway Time! 😍 Win a Cute Trucker Hat

    As usual, each of these Favorite Things Friday articles comes with a Giveaway. Check back every Friday for more of my Favorite Things.

    The reader giveaway prize for today is a hat of your choice from Mother Trucker OR choose any trucker hat from Etsy! ($25 Limit) There will be 4 Winners 🙂

    This giveaway starts on Friday 9/14 and will end on Monday 9/17. Winners will be announced on this blog only on Tuesday 9/18 before 12pm PST.  You’ll have 48 hours to claim your prize.

    To enter in this giveaway: leave a comment below telling me what you are doing this weekend to relax or have fun (or what you like to do on your days off) 🙂 And tell me where you’re reading from (city and state). Let me know by leaving a comment on this post.

    This post is NOT sponsored by anyone. I just really love trucker hats (all of them really) and wanted to share. All prizes are paid for by myself.

    🙋 Do You Have a Favorite Product or Life Tip? Want to be published in a future “Favorite Things Friday”? Shoot me an email with your write up and pictures. If I accept your submission and publish your tip, I’ll also send you a $50 Gift Card to the store of your choice. Send an email to tina@FreeStuffFinder.com with subject “Favorite Things Friday Tip”.

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  • 96 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1
      Gigi from Castro Valley, CA :

      Hike and nap

    2. 0

      To go to beach on a sunny day.

      Los Angeles, CA

    3. -1

      New Orleans, LA – this weekend, I’ll be working with a crafting group to make and sell items at our upcoming church bazaar !!! Hot glue gun will travel !!!

    4. -2

      Running errands this weekend but love to visit wineries or watch movies in my spare time. Reading from Hillsborough, nj

    5. -3

      Hanging out with my beautiful mom!
      Alameda, CA

    6. -4

      Going to my daughter’s soccer game. Woohoo! Took some time off of work to create memories with my family. Super excited.
      Menifee, CA

    7. -5

      I’m planning to do a little shopping in the morning and then probably just stay in and watch some movies. It’s supposed be raining here all weekend. I’m reading from Richmond, VA.

    8. -6

      Tomorrow we are going to a Mexican party because is the Mexican Independence Day. Thank you for sharing all the good deals and freebies. I live in Miami, Fl.

    9. -7

      Hoping to go to a local amusement park with the kids.

      American Fork, Utah

    10. -8

      Going to my sons Soccer games and rooting for a win. Washington, DC

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