Play the game to see if you’re the instant winner of a free Brew Over Ice K-Cup Sampler. Over 50,000 prizes, including 50,000 K-Cup Samplers, 1000 Tumblers and one prize of $10,000 cash. Check the box for their Terms & Conditions and then click connect with Facebook or register without Facebook to get started!
From their Facebook page: Just when you thought your Keurig experience couldn’t get any better…our Brew Over Ice K-Cup and Vue packs introduce a whole new way to way to enjoy your Keurig brewer. Now you can relax and rejuvenate with a wide variety of refreshing iced coffees, teas, and fruit brews at the touch of a button.
The link is broken.
Tells me that the person might have changed the name.
Might want to look into this.
I am using chrome and windows 7