• Love 4 Heroes: Touch a Soldier Overseas

    Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 4.26.07 PM

    I recently discovered a pretty amazing cause — Love 4 Heroes, a group of couponers who coupon for items to send to deployed service members overseas, defending us and protecting our freedom. These care packages let them know they are supported. After hearing their mission I mentioned it to my friend Yoli. I knew her husband deployed twice, once as a single Marine and the second time being married to her. Hearing her story of how much a simple box full of everyday items can move a person, really touched me! Here’s a snippet of what she said:


    “When my husband was deployed as a single marine to Iraq (before we met), his mom sent him one box. It had toilet paper and a couple of books. Even though it was only one box, he said it meant the world to him. It was a connection to home. The light in his eyes really moved me.

    “So when he was deployed again to Afghanistan after we were married, I was determined to send him a box monthly. This was before I learned how to coupon. The cost of one box, for a non-couponer, cost me around $40-$60 with shipping. It was expensive to do, but I know it made a big difference to him. My husband shared his boxes with other Marines who didn’t receive boxes. I also sent him a small Christmas tree, the guys decorated it and ended up leaving it up at the base all year around.”


    This is exactly what Love 4 Heroes set out to do: they take the time to gather coupons, watch for sales, and buy at stock up prices, so they can make boxes for military members overseas who may not have anyone that send them care packages. Because they use coupons, they can scale down the cost significantly. You can donate just $28 and they will do all the work. Their boxes are gender specific and are packed with a ton of stuff that would make someone overseas very happy. Anyway, click here to check them out.

    Photo credit of an actual Marine finally getting mail from home while being deployed overseas

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      These boxes really do make a huge difference. My brother was deployed twice, and he shared what we sent him with other marines. Many soldiers have no one, some forgotten or others their family just don’t have the funds. Thank you to all who make the effort to remind those soldiers that there not forgotten.

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