Head over to your nearest Target store and bring three new and rare coupons with you to score awesome deals on Rubbermaid products!
- $1/1 Rubbermaid LunchBox Product
- $1/1 Rubbermaid Beverage Product
- $1/2 Rubbermaid TakeAlong On-The-Go Product
(Deal ends when coupon expires) Check out this great deal you can score on Rubbermaid Mixermate Bottle (2 qt) by using one of these coupons. Breakdown:
► Buy (1) Rubbermaid Mixermate Bottle (2 qt) = $2.49
Use $1/1 Rubbermaid Beverage Product (x9/9) = -$1
Final Price: $1.49 (Reg $2.49)
Plus, note all of Rubbermaid products qualify for this weeks in-ad FREE $15 Gift Card Target Coupon when you spend over $50 on Household Essentials or you can send CLEAN to 827438!