• 5 Tips for Free Stuff Finding

    The number one question I hear from people is, “I’ve been signing up for freebies, but still haven’t received anything – Where is my stuff?” If you’ve been a Freebie Finder for some time, you may recall feeling this way when you first started. 🙂

    UPDATE: I just created this video to address this common question. Watch it below or on YouTube Here.

    To address the “I’m not getting any freebies” concern, I’ve compiled the following advice (based on my own experience):

    1. Get a Free Email Account and use it just for your freebie hunting.  I recommend and love gmail.  Never use your personal every-day email address when signing up for freebies – unless you love spam!
    2. Get a Free Phone Number and use it just for your freebie hunting.  Google Voice offers free phone numbers in ANY area code.  This is a great freebie all on its own!  Again, never give out your own personal phone number when signing up for freebies – unless you love solicitation calls!  Get Google Voice.  Also great for that creepy guy that keeps asking for your number.
    3. Sign up for a lot of offers. Since not every offer will deliver, signing up for as many offers as possible will increase your chances. We do our best to filter out offers and only post ones we believe will deliver.
    4. Be patient. Most freebies take a long time to deliver, sometimes up to 8 weeks or longer.  I didn’t start receiving a flow of freebies into my mailbox until 2-3 months after I started signing up for stuff.
    5. Expectations. Expect nothing, so that when you receive something in the mail, you’ll be surprised and thankful. Having no expectation has made freebie hunting much more fun and exciting for me. Going to the mailbox (once a week) has been a bit like Christmas. 🙂

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  • 26 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      These are great tips, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing on my blog!

    2. 0

      Between my son hiss g/f my son and myself we have freebies coming in everyday. We visit between 10 to 20 different sites everyday . I give some of the stuff away at halloween esp stickers . kids love them.

    3. -1

      I was hesitant to sign up for anything, but I jumped in with both feet and love Freebies Frenzy, Free Stuff Unlimited and Free Stuff Finder…there are more. I started receiving items within about 2 weeks and I was hooked. It’s been a good month since I started my freeby frenzy hunt and it is paying off. I am now receiving up to 5 items a day. What we don’t use we share with friends and family. Sign up for everything! I do spend a good 4-5 hours a day searching and filling out my forms, but it pays off for this household. Thank you to Facebook for hooking me up.

    4. -2

      I wanted to thank you for this site, but I especially want to thank you for an “attitude of gratitude.” I appreciate that you encourage being grateful for surprises in the mail that you DON’T HAVE TO PAY FOR – not even shipping sometimes! 😉

      Anyway, thanks. You’re my favorite freebie site because you are always up-to-date on whether offers are still going on, have expired, or have a specific date/time in which to sign up.

      This must be a full-time job for you and I appreciate it. Thank you for doing all the work for us! 🙂

      Sincerely, April

    5. -3

      I wish I would’ve know about this a long time ago!!!! I love looking an getting freebies. My son an husband laugh at me cause I actually have a reminder for the ones that start at a certain time…an if I can’t get them on my phone I run to the desk top. But they do say I have gotten ALOT of stuff in just 2 months. I love going to my mail box everyday cause like you said if feels like Christmas everyday. But I don’t know how you only check mail once a week mine would be flowing over. I’m sure my mail lady is starting to hate me with all the mail she delivers to me…I never used to get much mail besides bills an who wants those lol. Now usually it’s all for me know an I love it!!! The only thing I do hate is no mail on Sundays lol 🙂 have a good day an happy sampling everyone!!!!!

    6. -4

      Great website with helpful tips!! i love my freebies also, i just received one today that i orderd long ago.. thank you for the tips.. : )

    7. -5

      This was very helpful information. I especially liked the Google Voice advice! I was getting tons of unwanted calls. I just set up a number. Thanks~

    8. -6

      Thank you! I always forget about the email I have that I created for possible spammy things. You reminded me, and maybe I’ll stop forgetting what it is….and my password.

    9. -7
      ~Julie Wiesner~ :

      ~* I agree with Lori! I Love <3 This Freebie <3 site, You always have the best stuff!! I go 2 other sites too, but you have the best offers!! & But with the ones I use combined, I get A decent amount of freebies dally!! Its Like my Birthday EVERYDAY!!*~ :o) :o) <3 ~*Jules*~ <3

    10. -8

      I’m actually quite impressed that my samples keep rolling in. I recommend “Free stuff finder” to everyone. I have put my trust in this site 🙂

      • -8.1

        Lori How many samples do you get in the mail a day? I can’t imagine they come rolling in which you make sound like a lot of them

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