Saving for college can be a bit overwhelming. In fact, college students who save money for college should earn some type of scholarship in and of itself. It takes time and dedication for such a young mind, what an accomplishment.
There is no reason to go deeper into debt than you might already be after you register for classes and buy books. So we’ve put together several creative ways you can save a few dollars while enjoying your college experience.
Ways to get around
- Bike – Riding your bike as a means of transportation not only helps your pocket book but it has the added benefit of burning some of those extra annoying calories. Help lose your freshman 5 and stay active.
- Bus – With such expensive gas prices throughout the nation, why not put the burden on someone else to pay those gas fees. Just a small fare to get you on board and you can ride anywhere you desire around town.
- Car – If you do have your own vehicle, be sure to save a little bit extra money to turn off the air conditioning when you don’t need it. Roll down the windows. It will save you some gas.
- Shortest Route – Always chose the shortest route possible.
- Carpool – You can always carpool with your new dorm friends. Are you all going to the same spot for lunch? Why not go together.
Well I could suggest to go dumpster diving, but that is a little unsanitary. So here are a few other tips to save money on food.
- Recycle – You might find yourself at a party for the first time, don’t let all those bottles and cans go to waste. Do some volunteer work, help clean up the next day and keep all the bottles and cans for yourself. Then head to the recycling plant and turn them in for cash. This can help to offset your food bill.
- Couponing – Now that you have left the home, it’s time to get it together and be responsible. People throw away hundreds of dollars each month by not browsing and using coupons. Start clipping and save. \
- No Coffee – You might be addicted to coffee to get you through those long nights of studying before a test. Get yourself a small coffee maker to keep in your room versus enjoying a cafe mocha every day. It will save you a ton of money.
- Potluck – Want to have a Pizza night with your friends. Instead of ordering out make it yourself. Have each friend bring over one ingredient that way not just one person bares the financial burden for everyone.
A lot of college campuses have used textbook store so be sure you do some research to see where there might be one next to your school.
- Join Amazon Student for one year. You will get free two-day shipping and they have almost every text book you can think of.
All in all, enjoy the beginning of your college experience. Be smart about your money and be responsible. Show your parents that you do have the skills you need to be away from home and on your own.
Looking for other ways to save money?
By Michelle, Free Stuff Finder Contributor